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Should I repair or replace processing equipment?

Should I repair or replace processing equipment?

It’s a debate that has troubled managers in mining, heavy industry and numerous other sectors for years – should you repair or replace compromised equipment? Let’s take a look at the benefits of both methods and see how the help of experts in weigh and measurement equipment can guide your response. 

3 reasons a metal detector is essential for food safety

3 reasons a metal detector is essential for food safety

Food processing is one of the most heavily-regulated industries in Australia, with safety compliance a big concern. As such, equipping your operations with the best quality-assurance technology is vital to to delivering a superior end product. See the three reasons a metal detector is essential for food safety.

Why measurement solutions are key in combating agricultural losses

Why measurement solutions are key in combating agricultural losses

The agricultural industry loses thousands of dollars a year in wasted produce due to wastage through disease contamination. Combating this is key to a more productive food sector, so utilising quality assurance equipment and accurate measurement solutions is key to combating agricultural losses. 

Why are weigh belt feeders key to producing safer chocolate?

Why are weigh belt feeders key to producing safer chocolate?

Food processing requires rigorous quality and safety assurance – with mistakes costly to both customers and businesses. Cadbury’s recent recalls of its ‘Caramilk’ chocolate resulted in thousands of dollars of lost revenue. Finding the right weighing equipment is therefore vital to guaranteeing safer food production.

4 tips for getting the best out of your mine site belt scales

4 tips for getting the best out of your mine site belt scales

Without accurate, high-quality belt scales, your mine site will be at the mercy of inaccuracy and mistiming. But getting the best out this equipment requires more than just ensuring this one item is working – checking your whole operation, from site planning to maintenance schedules, helps maximise their use. 

Why is a range of level measurement systems important?

Why is a range of level measurement systems important?

In making your operations as efficient as possible, you need to ensure the materials for processing and output are weighed precisely to reduce the risk of wastage or recalls. Let’s take a look at the different kinds of measuring devices you need and why level measurement systems are so important. 

Why is local service important when maintaining equipment?

Why is local service important when maintaining equipment?

When servicing equipment, locality makes a big difference to production downtime. With local maintenance, you can build a trusting partnership that is intuitive to what you need. You also have the benefit of lowered downtime and no delivery costs. SRO Technology are a local service – nationally.

The Thermo Scientific Ramsey Oretronic IV tramp metal detector

The Thermo Scientific Ramsey Oretronic IV tramp metal detector

Belt conveyor operators at mining, mineral, steel, cement and other industrial manufacturing sites can now install a new, highly sensitive Tramp metal detector designed to optimise production time, protect process equipment and reduce false alarm rates. The Thermo...

Australians do love their chocolate

Australians do love their chocolate

Australians love their chocolate and they hate being short changed. Here’s why it’s essential to purchase accurate, approved measuring instruments.

The last remaining prototype

The last remaining prototype

Accurate, uniform measurements have the power to change the world, so what do we do when the last remaining prototype starts to shed weight?